• ISCSBH representant vald

    Nils Ahlberg valdes under 2020 in som svensk representant i kommittén för Shared Built Heritage.

  • ISCSBH Årligt möte 2014

    World Heritage Melaka Straights cites of Melaka and George Town, Penang ‘Revisiting after inscription and current management’, and the historic centre of Bandung Indonesia ‘Historic Art deco and Garden Suburb precincts management’, in association with ICOMOS Malaysia, ICOMOS Indonesia and the various city governments and NGOs

  • ISCSBH Årligt möte 2013

    World Heritage centre of Havana and Santiago de Cuba in Cuba, ‘The shared values and management of military heritage in the Americas: research, preserving and valuing’, in association with ISC Fortifications and Military Heritage, and ICOMOS Cuba

  • ISCSBH Årligt möte 2012

    Kulangsu Island, Xiamen and Wuhan, China ‘The returning Chinese diaspora and the only inland concession’ in association with ICOMSO China, and city governments and NGOs

  • ISCSBH Årligt möte 2011

    Cape Town, South Africa ‘The Cape meeting point of many nations and the Cape Vinelands cultural landscape world heritage nomination’, in association with ICOMOS South Africa, South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA), Cape Town Heritage Trust, City of Cape Town, African World Heritage Fund and the Federal Department of Arts and Culture

  • ISCSBH möte 2010

    Suriname, South America ‘Historic cultural landscape of plantations’ in association with the Suriname Government and Suriname National Archives

  • ISCSBH årligt möte 2009

    Gdansk, Poland ‘Timber structures of eastern Europe’ in association with the Technical University of Gdansk

  • ISCSBH årligt möte 2008

    Lviv, Poland ‘Preservation and restoration of Multicultural Heritage – the 10th anniversary of the World Heritage inscription of the city centre’ in association with ICOMOS Poland and ICOMSO Ukraine to discussed the disputable ownership of the built heritage of the city of Polish-Lituanian origin that was long called Lemberg during the Austrian-Hungarian era, changed to…

  • ISCSBH årligt möte 2005

    Qingdao, China ‘The German harbour concession’, arranged prior to the 15th General Assembly held in Xi’an